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Payroll Professionals

service at an affordable price

Our Services

Payroll Outsourcing

• Accurate Reporting
• Confidential laser payslips
• Payroll Register
• Costing Report
• Annual and Sick leave report 
• Employee deduction reports
• Detailed reports for PAYE, UIF & SDL
• General Ledger reporting
• Customised Excel extracts

Electronic Payments

• Nett pay
• Garnishees (including remittances)
• Third parties - pension, medical aid and union fees (including remittances)

SARS Employers Tax Compliance

• Compliance with all Employers Tax Requirements.
• Completion and submission of EMP201 returns via e-Filing.
• Producing IRP5 / IT3A certificates.
• Creation and submission of electronic IRP5 / IT3A to SARS.
• Reconciliation and submission of EMP501 via e-Filing.

Additional Services

• Labour Department matters, including the Return of Earnings
• Registrations at UIF, SARS and Workmen's Compensation (COIDA)
• Annual CIPRO Returns

HR Function

HR Suite of Services Payroll Services not only provides a structured payroll function, but also provides a comprehensive set of Human Resources functions based in the PeopleWare software.These include, but are not limited to; Employment Equity reporting and planning, management of disciplinaries and grievances, training and skills gap analysis, performance management, jobdescriptions and grading and IODs.

Employment Equity

The PeaopleWare software draws directly from your payroll information to compile the EEA2 and EEA4 reports for submission as well as the Employment Equity plan, awareness measures and meeting facilitation.

Disciplinary & Grievance

We are able to capture, track and report on disciplinaries and grievances at each stage of intervention.

Training & Skills

All training and skills can be captured and tracked. There is also a comprehensive budgeting tool for training courses and the ability to do skills gap analyses for staff members. This options also facilitates the compilation of the WSP and ATR reports annually.

Performance Management

This software allows us to fully customize and structure your performance management framework to reflect your specific requirements. It also includes the calculation function to allocate appraisal scores for each staff member.

Job Descriptions

We are able to capture and grade job descriptions unique to your organization and sector. This includes outputs, assessment criteria, SOC/OFO codes and so much more.


Tell website visitors who you are and why they should choose your business.

Payroll Services grew out of an association of people who have worked together for over 20 years . The team prides themselves on their high standards and dedication. Payroll Services provides a professional outsourced solution to businesses throughout South Africa. We offer expert advice and maintain a high standard of workmanship. Our aim is to give peace of mind in an area of business which is becoming more demanding and at the same time providing this service at an affordable price.

Customer Support

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Payroll Services. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with top quality customer service.


23 Stewart Drive, Baysville, East London